Alpine idyll in the Justistal

Discover the valley of the "Chästeilet" and hear the rutting

From the lush green alpine pastures to the snow-laden valley, every season offers a special experience. As the alpine summer draws to a close and autumn arrives, the traditional "Chästeilet" takes place and the rutting starts. The Justistal promises sheer relaxation, tradition and nature.

Hiking in a classic mountain landscape

Visitors can hike through the 7.5-km Justistal, passing fir trees and idyllic alpine farms as they follow the course of the Grönbach. On one side you see as far as the Sigriswilgrat ridge, with the Güggisgrat ridge on the other. Be sure to pick up delicious alpine cheese from one of the nine farms and cooperatives. A wonderful tour leads you through the tranquil Justis valley and over Sichle into Eriz.

Alpine cabin or barbecue

Lilis Beizli im sommerlichen Justistal mit Wolken

Fancy a cook-out at a barbecue point, or lunch in an alpine cabin? Stop over at Lilis Beizli at the Grosser Mittelberg and refresh yourself by drinking from the cool fountain and treating yourself to reportedly the best "Chässchnitte" in the world.

"Chästeilet" and colourful cattle drives in the Justistal

The "Chästeilet" cheese apportioning ceremony has been a tradition of the Justistal every September since 1739. In this time-honoured ceremony, Swiss cheese produced over the alpine summer from the milk of 250 cows is divided according to a prescribed ritual.

Visiting the "Chästeilet"

Take a bus from Sigriswil to the Justistal. Since the event is highly popular, it is advisable to get there early. The apportioning starts around 11:00 at the Spycher (storehouses) above the Grönhütte. In the afternoon, herdsmen lead their cattle and goats back to the farm in a ceremonial drive.

Watching the rutting

Herbstliches Justistal wo im Herbst die Hirschbrunft beobachtet und gehört werden kann

From early September to early October, visitors can observe rutting as scores of stags move from around the region to the Justistal. In the company of a local wildlife expert, you will hear the bellowing of the stags. With luck, you will also witness herds of females or even fights between dominant males for the favours of females.

Winter wonderland in the peaceful valley

The Justistal is a paradise for cross-country skiers and winter hikers alike. You can traverse the 12-km route from the Grönhütte to Hindersberg and back on cross-country skis, or walk a well-signposted winter trail. Whether you start out on foot or cross-country skis, you will enjoy views of snowy alpine meadows, firs and the surrounding peaks along the way.

Your highlights at a glance

  • Hike past traditional alpine farms

  • Almost 300-year-old Justistal "Chästeilet" ceremony, plus cattle drive in September

  • Hirschbrunft von Anfang September bis Anfang Oktober

  • Idyllische Langlaufloipe durchs tiefverschneite Justistal

To ensure that your trip is perfect in every way, please note

  • Check the weather conditions in advance

  • Good footwear is recommended for the Justistal

  • Getting up early for the "Chästeilet" pays dividends

  • Observe the rutting with a native wildlife specialist

Discover the year-round variety of experiences in the picturesque Justis Valley: